Our pricing depends on the volume of hay you buy. The price is $15/bale for quantities of 50 bales or more. For fewer than 50 bales the price is $18/bale. If you are arranging for delivery of stacks, a full stack is 160 bales.
You can pay by local check, Zelle, or a credit card via Paypal. Please confirm details with us if paying via Zelle.
For your convenience and security we handle our online payments through PayPal. With Paypal you can use your Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover card, or, if you have one, you can use your Paypal account.
If you want to use Paypal, please click on the appropriate "Buy now" button below and you will be able to enter the quantity you want. Paypal will then give you the choice of logging in to your Paypal account, or using a credit card.
50 bales or more of weed-free hay at $15 per bale | |
fewer than 50 bales of weed-free hay at $18 per bale | |
special pricing by prior arrangement only |